Saturday 15 June 2013

How to maintain Scalp Hygiene to regrow your hair naturally?

Dandruff, Eczema, Psoriasis, Folliculitis and there are many more contributors to scalp problems and scalp infection. These problems are mainly caused due to hygiene issues, environmental pollution, chemicals in the hair care products and stress. Firstly, in order to regrow your lost hair naturally you need to bring back your scalp to life. There are many commercial products available in the market that contains chemicals such as Coal-tar, Salicylic Acid, etc., they all contain compounds that are toxic in nature and acts as allergens obstructing the natural hair regrowth cycle. They just the solve the purpose of getting rid of the dandruff while bringing many other scalp issues that were unknown to your scalp. They also dry out the scalp and bring down the scalp Ph drastically; thus creating an unfavorable environment for the hair follicles. Hence it is very important to choose the natural methods to cleanse / wash your hair.

Natural Hair Regrowth
Now I am not going to take you through hundreds of home-made remedies and ask you to choose any one.  Massage your scalp and hair with a mixture of Sesame oil, Olive oil and Castor oil and leave it in your hair for about 30mins and then wash your hair with a very mild shampoo with a low pH. I would personally suggest Johnson’s baby shampoo or any baby shampoo. Now, I will tell you how this remedy is going to work for you: The oil dissolves the dirt, extra sebum and toxins, thus when washed it will clear most of the scalp related issues, removes all the dead-cells relieving you from scalp itching, soothe any inflammations, Balances your scalp pH and hydrates your scalp; which would eventually improves the blood circulation to your scalp; all these factors would help you regrow your hair naturally. It would work wonders if you could make it a habit before you take a shower every day. In case the scalp infection is very severe then I would suggest you making a paste of Neem, Amla (Indian Gooseberries) and Aloe-Vera and apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it there for at least 30 minutes before you wash it off. 

These methods suggested above are very essential before we get onto any natural hair regrowth program.

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